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About us


Above all we are a Christian Church and we are also an Anglican Church


 What does it mean to be Anglican? How do we differ from other Churches?


  • We are in a Communion of over 70 million people, spread all over the world.


  • We see ourselves as both Catholic and Reformed.


  • We base what we believe on Scripture – but have a very high regard for both Tradition and Reason.


  • We are an Episcopal Church – led by bishops.


  • We are a sacramental church.


  • We hold to the teachings of the early Councils of the Church, and the beliefs expressed in the Creeds.


  • We are not the church – we are part of the Universal Church.


  • We have our origins in the Church of England – but all parts of the Anglican Church are autonomous.



  • We do not think that we know the right way – but we are willing to look for it!


  • We have as many failings as everyone else!


We try to welcome everyone.

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